Lincoln's City Centre: North of the River Witham
Lincoln’s City Centre: north of the River Witham
The eleventh volume in The Survey of Lincoln’s neighbourhood series of booklets (our twelfth booklet) was launched on November 21st 2015. The volume is in a similar format to previous works in the series with a range of both historic and contemporary images. This volume explores part of Lincoln’s city centre, its buildings and structures. The booklet’s extent is:River Witham towards Castle Hill, from Orchard Street in the west to Broadgate and Lindum Road to the east
The volume’s cover price is £6.95.
ISBN 978-0-9931263-1-4 (barcoded).
The Survey of Lincoln gratefully acknowledges generous contributions towards publication costs from The University of Lincoln and also from Bishop Grosseteste University.
Chapter titles include:
Peopling the Hillside: the Archaeology of the Lower City
Jews’ Court: Truth and Legend
The High Bridge
Places of Worship in the Neighbourhood
The Stonebow and Guildhall
Lincoln Christ’s Hospital School, Lincoln Grammar School and the ‘Bluecoat School’
Lincoln Christ’s Hospital Girls’ High School
Lincoln’s Coaching Inns
Soft Drink Manufacturing in the Neighbourhood
The Theatre Royal
Lincoln’s City Centre Cinemas
The Lincoln Cooperative Society, Silver Street and Free School Lane
The Butchery and Butchery Street
Central Library
Mawer and Collingham: Lincoln’s Premier Department Store?
The Drill Hall
A Town House in West Parade
Lincoln City Centre’s Visitor Economy
This volume in the Survey of Lincoln neighbourhood series explores a part of the city that today is principally associated with High Street shopping, commerce and leisure activities. As with other booklets in this series, this volume examines the buildings and structures in the district, tracing the area’s development from the Roman period until the twenty-first century. It explores buildings that are still standing and others that no longer form part of the townscape.
Prominent surviving buildings such as the Stonebow, Jews’ Court, Christ’s Hospital, the Theatre Royal, the Drill Hall and the Central Library are considered alongside a range of other buildings and structures that have either changed use over time or have been demolished, despite at some point having been important elements in the life of the city. The district has been used both by the city’s residents and visitors over time for a range of activities – including work, consumption, worship, education and leisure. All of these feature in the volume’s chapters which aim to explore parts of this neighbourhood that have either been relatively neglected, or which provide new interpretations for consideration.
Where you should be able to buy:
Stockists should include:
The Survey of Lincoln (by email)
Waterstones (High Street, Lincoln)
Jews Court Bookshop, Lincoln.
Lincolnshire Archives
Lindum Books (4 Bailgate, Lincoln)