Our Constitution

2023 - Intended model Constitution fo

2023 - Model "Association" Constitution currently under consideration by The Survey of Lincoln for future submission to become a charity (uploaded May 2023)

For several years The Survey of Lincoln has been deliberating about seeking charitable status and this has been discussed at Annual General Meetings. A  Constitution acceptable to the Charity Commissioners has to be submitted with the application to become a charitable organisation. The wording varies depending on the type of charitable status that is being sought. 

Following much thought, the SoL Executive is intending to submit an application for Charitable Incorporated Organisation status, using the "Association" variant, subject to the outcome of the 2023 Annual General Meeting.  Follow the link below to read a model Constitution applicable to such a body. 

Please click here. 

The original Constitution of The Survey of Lincoln, approved in May 1999, was altered slightly in November 2006. During 2012-13, Committee members reconsidered the Constitution and a revised version was presented to members and endorsed at the 2013 AGM. Further revisions were agreed at the 2014 AGM.


Current Constitution of “The Survey of Lincoln” (2014)

1.0 NAME

1.1 The name of the group shall be “The Survey of Lincoln”.



2.1 To record and study the archaeological and historical development of the City of Lincoln.

2.2 To raise awareness of the archaeology and history of Lincoln.

2.3 To seek and secure funding to support the development of a programme of recording of the history of Lincoln.

2.4 To develop and support community participation and appreciation of heritage recording projects.



In furtherance of its stated objectives the group shall have the powers to:

3.1 raise and manage funds, hold a bank account in the group's name and allocate funding in accordance with the objectives;

3.2 produce, publicise and distribute material;

3.3 arrange and provide for the holding of training sessions and courses, meetings, debates, exhibitions and other educational activities;

3.4 purchase equipment and resources;

3.5 establish sub-committees and working groups;

3.6 do any such things as shall further the objectives of the group.



Membership of the group shall be open to:

4.1 Any individuals who share the objectives of the group or a representative of any affiliated body.

4.2 Membership is subject to the payment of an annual subscription.



5.1 The group shall be managed by an Executive Committee which shall consist of a Chairperson, Vice-chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer ex-officio together with at least five ordinary members. The  Chairperson and Vice-chairperson may use their preferred nomenclature. Executive Committee members shall be elected annually at the AGM.

5.2 The Committee shall meet at least four times each year and a quorum shall be four members, one of whom shall be the Chairperson or Secretary.

5.3 Officers and ordinary members shall be elected annually to the Committee at the AGM.

5.4 The Chairperson may invite such other persons to attend a Committee meeting as he/she considers appropriate, taking into account matters appearing on the agenda of that meeting.


5.5 The Committee shall have power on behalf of the group to do all such things as shall appear to be reasonable for the purpose of furthering the objectives of the group and the administration of its business with the exception of the following which shall be determined by the group at a General Meeting:

a) Any amendments to the Constitution

b) Election of the Committee.



6.1 There shall be at least two meetings of the group in any calendar year.

6.2 At least fourteen days notice shall be given in writing of the intention to hold a General Meeting.

6.3 The Executive Committee shall have the powers to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting. In particular an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be called within 3 months of a requisition signed by at least 8 members of the group given to the Secretary



7.1 There shall be an AGM not more than three months after the end of the financial year.

The agenda shall include the following items

a)                A summary of the previous year's activities.

b)               The Treasurer’s financial statement

c)                Election of Officers and Committee

d)               Appointment of an Independent Examiner

e)                Consideration of the annual subscription


7.2 A quorum for the AGM should be 8 members.



8.1 The group may be dissolved by a simple majority vote of the Membership.

8.2 In the event of dissolution any assets remaining after the settling of all liabilities shall be donated, at the discretion of the Committee, to any organisation at the time concerned with the promotion of aims similar to those of the group.