3. First Committee Meeting
Exactly a month after the formal birth of The Survey of Lincoln, five of its instigators met to discuss progress. The Executive Meeting was held at Charlotte House, Lincoln (then used as the base of the City of Lincoln Archaeological Unit) as some of the group were working there and secretarial support was available.
The minutes record that Mr MJ Jones, Dr AG Vince, Mr CPC Johnson, Mr A Ward and Mr R Pilling were present. Alan Vince was elected Chairman of the meeting, and Chris Johnson temporary Secretary. They agreed that the ‘new body’ would be called The Survey of Lincoln Committee and would have two meetings a year. Its full Executive Committee would meet four times a year. It would operate under the auspices of Lincoln Civic Trust (as had its forerunner, The Survey of Ancient Houses) but the extent of Civic Trust involvement had not been decided.
A £1000 donation from Lincoln Civic Trust would be used to cover meeting expenses, stationery, and other initial purchases. Arthur Ward was looking into whether English Heritage Conservation Area Partnership (CAPS), and Royal Commission on Historic Buildings Threatened Buildings funding might be used as part of the SoLC aims.
Dr Dennis Mills had written to the instigators suggesting that demographic and geographical aspects might be included within the remit. Those present agreed to ascertain what detailed work had been undertaken elsewhere.
A further Executive meeting was arranged for 5th April 1995, when Alan and Mick Jones would list sources of information and produce a plan of property boundaries in Wigford suburb divided into units for research. In addition, a list of buildings for detailed study would be collated, and it was hoped that Stanley Jones (of SAH) would be able to attend and provide input. A first full, public meeting of SoLC was tentatively arranged for 17th June 1995.
Chris Johnson’s faxed minutes were accompanied by his note reminding colleagues that officers and the Exec Committee should be elected at the June meeting as a priority; a Constitution and Terms of Reference were needed too.