Boundaries of the parish valuation 'precincts' used in 1828-9

The Valuation of Property ... includes brief written descriptions of the boundaries used by the assessors within each parish. Dennis Mills identified the approximate positions of each of these boundaries - and the 'precinct' defined by it - and these have been plotted onto a later map of the city of Lincoln by JS Padley. At present (August 2020) the 1868 map revision has been used but it is hoped to replace this with the 1851 revision which records a less densely developed city. Each parish is reproduced here separately.

Valuation of the Parish of St. ... made under the direction of the Commissioners, appointed by an Act of the 9th year of the Reign of His Majesty King George the Fourth, for Paving, Lighting, Watching and Improving the City of Lincoln, and the Bail and Close of Lincoln, in the County of Lincoln, 1828 [or 1829].

List of Parishes: St Benedict St Botolph St John St Margaret St Mark St Martin St Mary le Wigford St Mary Magdalene St Martin St Nicholas St Paul St Peter at Arches St Peter at Gowts St Peter in Eastgate St Swithin

St Benedict

Boundary 1: The High Street on part of the West, the River Witham South, St Swithin’s parish East, Prison Lane on part of the North, and the parish of St Peter at Arches on the remainder of the North and remainder of the West

Boundary 2: The High Street East, the River Witham South, parish of St Peter at Arches West

Boundary 3: The High Bridge

Boundary 4: The High Street East, St Mary le Wigford South, Brayford West, the River Witham North

Boundary 5: The High Street West, the River Witham North, Elder Lane East, parish of St Mary le Wigford and the Cornhill South

St Botolph's parish

Boundary 1: The High-Street East, Bar Gate Drain South, the River Witham and Lands not in charge West

Boundary 2: The High-Street West, Bar Gate Drain South, the Sincil Dyke and Lands not in charge East, Parish of St Peter at Gowts North

St John

Boundary 1: The New Inclosures of Newport and Lark Lane South and East, Lands out of charge West and North

Boundary 2: The High Road and new inclosed lands in the Parish of St. Nicholas West, and lands beyond a rateable distance North

St Margaret

Boundary 1: East Gate Street South, the East Bight West, Parish of St Nicholas North, North Gate East

Boundary 2: East Gate Street South, North Gate West, Parish of St Peter in Eastgate North & East

Boundary 3: East Gate Street North, North Gate East, the Minster Yard South, the Deanery West

Boundary 4: The Cathedral most part in the Parish of St Mary Magdalen

Boundary 5: East Gate Street North, North Gate, the Minster Yard & Potter Gate West, the Wragby Road South East, St Peter in Eastgate Parish North-East & East

Boundary 6: Potter Gate East, St Margaret’s Church Yard North, Road leading to the Grecian Stairs West, Premises in the Parish of St Peter in Eastgate & the New Road South

Boundary 7: The Road to the Grecian Stairs & the Minster Yard East, the Close Wall South, the Bishop’s Palace and Parish of St Mary Magdalene West, the Minster Yard North

Boundary 8: The Wragby Road North-west, the Parish of St Peter in Eastgate & Land not in Charge North-east, the Terrace Road South, the New Road West

Boundary 9: The New road South-east & East, the Close wall North-west & West

St Mark

Boundary 1: The High Street West, Parish of St Mary le Wigford North, the Sincil Dyke East, Parish of St Peter at Gowts South

Boundary 2: The High Street East, Parish of St Peter at Gowts South, the River Witham West, St Mark’s Lane North

Boundary 3: The High Street East, St Mark’s Lane South, the East Bank of the Witham West, Parish of St Mary le Wigford North

St Martin:

Boundary 1: The High street & the Parish of St Peter at Arches West, Butchery Lane North, a Lane East, Silver Street & St Peter at Arches Parish South

Boundary 2: Butchery Lane South, the High Street West, Grantham Lane North, St Swithin's Parish East

Boundary 3: The High Street & The Strait West, St Michael's Parish North, a Back Lane East, Grantham Lane South

Boundary 4: The Strait East, the High Street South, the Drapery West, St Michael's Parish North

Boundary 5: The High Street East, Park Lane South, Hungate West, St Martin's Lane North

Boundary 6: St Martin's Lane South, Hungate West, St Martin's Row North, the Drapery East

Boundary 7: The Old Coach Road West, St Martin's Row South, the Drapery East, St Michael's Parish North

Boundary 8: Hungate East, Motherby Lane South, Beaumont Fee Lane West, Motherby Hill Road North

Boundary 9: Beaumont Fee Lane East, Motherby Lane South, Lands not in charge West, Occupation & Motherby Hill Roads North

Boundary 10: Hungate [East,] Park Lane South, Beaumont Fee Lane West, Motherby Lane North

Boundary 11: Near & Far Newland South, Dove Cote Lane West, Motherby Lane North, Beaumont Fee & Crackpool Lanes East

Boundary 12: Far Newland & Brick Yard Lane South, a Lane West, Clay Lane North, Dove Cote Lane East

Boundary 13: Dunham Ferry Road South, Far Newland East

Boundary 14: Far Newland North, the Fossdyke South, Lucy Tower Lane East, St Mary le Wigford Parish West

Boundary 15: First Newland North, Water Lane East, Lucy Tower Lane West, the Brayford South

Boundary 16: First Newland South, Crackpool Lane West, Park Lane North, Mint Lane & St Peter at Arches Parish East

St. Mary le Wigford

Boundary 1: The Cornhill West & North, the High street West, St Mary's Lane South, Elder Lane East, part of St Benedict's Parish North

Boundary 2: St Mary's Lane North, Sincil Dyke East, Parish of st Mark South, the High Street West

Boundary 3: The high Street East, the Parish of St mark South, Brayford Wharf West, Brayford Lane North

Boundary 4: The High Street East, Brayford Lane South, Brayford Wharf West, the Parish of St Benedict North

Boundary 5: Premises near St Mary's Bridge

Boundary 6: Premises beyond Far Newland

St. Mary Magdalene

Boundary 1: The High-street East, Parish of St. Michael South, Drury Lane West, the Castle Hill North

Boundary 2: The Castle Hill and Drury Lane East, Road over Motherby Hill South, Gallows Lane part of West, the Parish of St. Paul and the Castle Walls North, and remainder of the West

Boundary 3: The High-Street West, the Exchequer and the Minster Yard North, the Parish of Saint Margaret and the Close Wall East, the Close Wall South

Boundary 4: The High-Street West, Eastgate North, the Minster Yard East, the Exchequer South

Boundary 5: The Castle Hill on small of the East and a part of the South, the High Street on part of the East, the Parish of St. Paul on part of the North, and the Castle Dyking on all other parts

Boundary 6: The High-Street West, Parish of St. Paul and the Castle Bight North, James Street or Vinegar Lane East, Eastgate Street South

Boundary 7: Eastgate-Street South, James Street or Vinegar Lane West, the East Bight North and East

Boundary 8: (no text)

St Michael on the Mount

Boundary 1: Bull Ring Lane North, Chequer Lane East, Parishes of St Swithin & St Martin South, the Strait West

Boundary 2: The Steep Hill East, the Drapery North & West, Parish of St Martin South

Boundary 3: Bull Ring Lane South, the Steep Hill West, the Horse Road and Danes Gate North & East

Boundary 4: [no description]

Boundary 5: The Steep Hill East, Poultry Hill North, the Old Coach Road West, the Parish of St Martin & the Drapery South

Boundary 6: Poultry Hill & the Old Coach Road East, St Martin’s Road South-west, Drury Lane & the parish of St Mary Magdalene North

Boundary 7: Bail Gate West, the Close North, the Palace Wall East, Road to Christ’s Hospital & the Palace South

Boundary 8: Road to Christ’s Hospital & the Palace North, the Palace East, Danes Gate South, the Steep Hill West

St Nicholas

Boundary 1: The High Street East, Rasen Lane North, Lands out of charge West, St Paul's Parish South

Boundary 2: Rasen Lane South, the High Road East, the Parish of St John & Lands out of charge North & West

Boundary 3: The High Road West, St Nicholas Lane South, Lands out of charge & the Parish of St John East & North

St Paul

Boundary 1: Newport Gate and the West Bight Lane East and South, and Lands out of charge and the Parish of St. Nicholas West and North

Boundary 2: Saint Pauls Lane South, the Mint Wall Lane East, and the West Bight Lane North and West

Boundary 3: The High-street East, St. Pauls Lane South, the Mint Wall Lane West, and the West Bight Lane North

Boundary 4: Newport Gate and the High-street West, St. Mary Magdalen's Parish South, the Close Wall East, and the Parish of St. Nicholas North

Boundary 5: The High-street East, St. Paul's Lane North, a Back Lane West, and the Premises in the Parish of St. Mary Magdalen South

Boundary 6: The Castle Walls South and West, the High Road and St. Paul's Lane North and East

St Peter at Arches

Boundary 1: The High Street West; Silver Street South; St Martin’s Parish North and East

Boundary 2: Silver Street North; St Swithin’s Lane East; Prison Lane South; The High Street West

Boundary 3: The High Street East; Mint Lane South and West; Park Lane North

Boundary 4: ?

Boundary 5: Guildhall Street North; High Street East; Parish of St Benedict South; Water Lane West

Boundary 6: The High Street North; Prison Lane West; Parish of St Benedict East; River Witham South

St Peter at Gowts

Boundary 1: The High Street West, Parish of St Mark North, Sincil Dyke and Lands not in charge East, the Great Gowts Drain South

Boundary 2: The High Street West, the Great Gowts Drain North, Sincil Dyke East, Parish of St Botolph South

Boundary 3: The High Street East, the Great Gowts Drain South, the River Witham and Lands not in charge West, Parish of St Mark North

St Peter in Eastgate

Boundary 1: Greetwell Gate North; Swinestye Lane West and South West; Road leading from the Adam & Eve South and South East

Boundary 2: Greetwell Road North; Allison’s Road East; Adam & Eve Road West

Boundary 3: Greetwell Road North; Allison’s Road West

Boundary 4: Wragby Turnpike Road North, Adam & Eve Road, West; Greetwell Road, South

Boundary 5: Greetwell Gate South; a Common Lane West; Wragby Turnpike Road, North; Adam & Eve Road East

Boundary 6: The Wragby Turnpike Road and Eastgate Street South; Northgate and Nettleham Road West and North West; Lands not in Charge North

Boundary 7: Nettleham Road, East; Church Lane South

Boundary 8: Northgate South and West; Church Lane North; Nettleham Road East

Boundary 9: Eastgate Street North; Swinestye Lane East; the Close Wall; and Parish of St Margaret South and West

Boundary 10: The Wragby Turnpike Road North; a Lane connecting the Wragby Turnpke Road (or Langworth Gate) with Greetwell Gate East; Greetwell Gate South; the Leaden Well West

Boundary 11: The New Road South; the Close Wall North

Boundary 12: The New Road North; Parish of St Swithin East, South and West

St Swithin:

Boundary 1: The River Witham North, a Delph East, the Sincil Dyke and Parish of St Mary le Wigford South, Elder Lane [Sincil Street] West

Boundary 2: The North Bank of the Witham South, Sparrow Lane West, Croft Lane North, Stamp End Lane East

Boundary 3: The North Bank of the Witham South, Rosemary Lane West, Croft Lane North, Sparrow Lane East

Boundary 4: [not described]

Boundary 5: The North Bank of the Witham South, Thorngate West, the Sheep Market North, Broadgate & Magpies Square East

Boundary 6: The North Bank of the Witham South, a Public Passage West, Salter Gate North, Thorn Gate East

Boundary 7: The North Bank of the Witham South, Corporation Lane West, Salter Gate North, a Public Passage East

Boundary 8: The North Bank of the Witham South, a Public Passage next to St Benedict’s Parish West, Prison Lane South, Corporation Lane East

Boundary 9: Salter Gate South, St Swithin’s Lane East, Silver-street North, Free-school Lane East

Boundary 10: The Sheep Market South, Free-school Lane West, Silver-street North, Broadgate East

Boundary 11: Broadgate West, Pig Market North, St Rumbold’s Lane East, Croft Lane South

Boundary 12: Broadgate West, the Beast Market North, St Rumbold’s Lane East, the Pig Market south

Boundary 13: St Rumbold’s Lane West, Monks Lane North, Rosemary Lane East, Croft Lane South

Boundary 14: Rosemary Lane West, Monks Lane North, part of St Hugh’s Croft, not in charge, East, Croft Lane South

Boundary 15: Monks Lane South, the New Road West, part of the Parish of St Peter in Eastgate, & the Vine Close North & East

Boundary 16: The New Road and part of the Parish of St Peter in Eastgate East, Clasket Gate South, Danes Gate West, St Michael’s Parish, the Palace Walls & Close Walls North

Boundary 17: New Road & Silver-street East & South, Chequer Lane West, Clasket Gate North

Boundary 18: Butchery Lane South, St Martin’s Parish West, Grantham Lane North, Chequer Lane East

Boundary 19: Claskett Gate South, Chequer Gate west, Grantham Lane North, Danes Gate East

Boundary 20: Grantham Lane South, Chequer Lane West, Bull Ring Lane North, Danes Gate East

A plot of the precincts within the city as one image has also been created for showing mean rateable values using the much smaller scale 1843 map from a Lincoln guidebook. The detail and accuracy of that map is very different from Padley's 1851 and 1868 maps, so the precinct boundary positions are much more approximate and some do not reflect their relative actual size.

St Benedict's parish

St Benedict pct bnds.pdf

St Botolph's parish

St Bots pct bnds.pdf

St John's parish

St John plot.pdf

St Margaret's parish

St Margaret pct bnds.pdf

St Mark's parish

St Mark pct bnds.pdf

St Martin's parish

St Martin pct bnds.pdf

St Mary le Wigford parish

St Mary le Wigford pct bnds.pdf

St Mary Magdalene parish

St Mary Mag.pdf

St Michael on the Mount parish

St Michael on the Mount pct bnds.pdf

St Nicholas' parish

St Nicholas pct bnds.pdf

St Paul's parish

St Paul pct bnds.pdf

St Peter at Arches parish

St Peter at Arches.pdf

St Peter at Gowts parish

St P at G pct bnds.pdf

St Peter in Eastgate parish

St Peter in Eastgate pct bnds.pdf

St Swithin's parish

St Swithin pct bnds.pdf