City Centre South
Lincoln’s City Centre South of the River Witham:
From High Bridge to South Park
Editor: Andrew Walker
Now available for £6.95
ANDREW WALKER Introduction
ALASTAIR MACINTOSH Recent archaeological investigations in Wigford
ARTHUR WARD Nonconformist chapels and meeting houses of other denominations
ARTHUR WARD Anglican places of worship
GEOFF TANN St Botolph’s Parish Hall, 39b High Street
PAUL HICKMAN Some nineteenth-century Wigford nuisances
ROB WHEELER St Mark’s Station
BERYL GEORGE ‘The folly of our forefathers’: The High Street level crossings
DAVE WATT Map of the district
RUTH TINLEY Lincoln Corn Exchange
MIRIAM SMITH High Street gateway to Boultham Hall
CHRIS PAGE Mills in the parish of St Peter-at-Gowts
ROB WHEELER Great Gowts – a forgotten ford
MAURICE HODSON Four bridges and Sincil Dyke
ANDREW WALKER Residential development, c. 1875-1939
ANDREW JACKSON & HAZEL KENT The Lincoln Co-operative Society and the lower High Street
This 64 page volume in the Survey of Lincoln neighbourhood series examines an area of the city closely associated with the southern High Street, bounded at the north by High Bridge and at the south by South Park. The area covered extends west to the River Witham, as it runs parallel to the High Street and to the east by Sincil Dyke.
The booklet focuses upon the buildings and structures within the neighbourhood, ranging across time from the Roman period to the later twentieth century. As this volume makes clear, this part of the city has played a vital part in accommodating its workers over time. Employment has been provided in a variety of occupations, in mills, workshops, retail and wholesale businesses and railway-related activities. Large quantities of workers’ housing is also in evidence and the district’s schools, places of worship and associated buildings are all examined here.
Together, the various chapters reveal how an exploration of the neighbourhood’s buildings and structures can shed light on the social, economic and cultural lives of its inhabitants. This is a companion volume to the Survey of Lincoln’s first neighbourhood publication, Wigford: Historic Lincoln South of the River.
For further details or to order copies, please email Geoff Tann at .
ISBN 978-0-9931263-2-1
Stockists include:
Waterstones (High Street, Lincoln)
Lindum Books (Bailgate)
Jews Court Bookshop (foot of Steep Hill, Lincoln)
Kay Books Online
Extract from the chapter:
Residential development in the district, c. 1875-1939 by Andrew Walker
During the later nineteenth century there was a significant development of residential property on streets adjoining the lower High Street. This chapter focuses especially upon the following cluster of streets, on the east side of the southern end of the High Street, and west of Sincil Dyke. These comprise: Queen Street, Shakespeare Street, Gibbeson Street, Featherby Place, Spencer Street, Little Bargate Street and Knight Street, all of which were developed in the period roughly c. 1875 to 1880: Queen Street and Spencer Street first appeared in trade directories for the year 1877; the remaining streets were listed in trade directories of 1881 (which were usually published a year earlier than their specified date).
Following local by-laws passed in 1866, building plans had to be deposited with the surveyor of the Corporation of the City of Lincoln Council. Details of the owners and builders of properties in the streets mentioned above confirm that much of the area’s development took place in the later 1870s. Plans for 73 houses were submitted between 1876 and 1879 for Shakespeare Street; and proposals for 31 properties on Little Bargate Street, and 61 on Gibbeson Street were also considered during the same years. In this period of rapid development, plans were submitted relating to these streets by a small number of owners for up to 20 properties at a time, either to be built by the owners themselves, or on their behalf by a number of Lincoln’s larger building companies.
The largest owner in this specific area of the lower High Street at its most rapid period of residential development appeared to be James Weighell, whose portfolio included properties in Featherby Place (including Harrison’s Place) and Gibbeson Street, where he also built a blacksmith’s shop and other workshops. Weighell’s properties were developed principally by Drury and Mortimer, local architects and surveyors, who worked closely with a number of Lincoln builders, such as David Taylor of Napoleon Place, mentioned in an earlier chapter by Maurice Hodson. In some cases, builders owned the land and developed it themselves: Samuel Horton, for instance, possessed land on Gibbeson Street and submitted plans to build 13 houses there in 1877.
As elsewhere in the city, there was also evidence of the Co-operative Society developing residential property in the area. The Lincoln Land and Building Society, based at Co-operative Hall, Silver Street, owned and built 15 houses in Knight Street in 1877 (numbers 8-10; 16-30; and 5-15). These residential developments were part of a significant growth in this part of the city at this time. The parish in which these streets were located – St Botolph’s – grew in size from 1209 residents in 1871 to 3347 by 1881, representing an increase over the ten years of 177%. The only other parish in the city which more than doubled in size over the same period was neighbouring St Peter-at-Gowts, which grew from 3197 to 6560 in the same period, an increase of 105%.
Over the same period, the city’s population had increased 39%, from 26,766 to 37,313 inhabitants. In order for a district to increase so rapidly in size in such a short period, even if death rates fell considerably and birth rates rose, a significant amount of this growth had to be achieved by in-migration. Whilst this increase in population was much associated with the growth of the city’s engineering works in the south of the city, there was also a significant increase in the number of individuals associated with the city’s services and trades sectors, many of whom moved into the streets under scrutiny here.
A large proportion of the city’s engineering workers had migrated to the city to find jobs from the surrounding agricultural districts, where the demand for labour was falling along with wages during the long Agricultural Depression from 1870 until the close of the nineteenth century. Those with trades and associated skills also sought to move when the demand for their wares in rural districts was decreasing. The names of a number of residents of these streets who lived in the district over a relatively lengthy period can be found in Table 1. It also presents details of these residents’ trades and information about their birthplaces drawn from the census.
End of extract
P. 14 Nonconformist Chapels And Meeting Houses Of Other Denominations
second paragraph should read: In 1913 (Date-stone), a Congregationalist Sunday School/Lecture Hall was erected ......
Arthur Ward adds: In 1888, on a site north of the present 1913 building, was erected a iron building (tin tabernacle), following the clearance of six houses. This was paid for by Joseph Ruston and erected under the supervision of architect, William Mortimer.
The 1913 building became redundant in 1992/3. It was designed by architect J C Broughton and built by builder, F S Highton.